Uncommon Value:
The W&J Competitive Advantage
Together, we invest in the brightest, 大多数有学术成就的学生都表现出很强的能力, moral character, proven leadership ability, and active community service. These students, 谁代表不同的背景和经历, 作为成功的教育者,你是否有对世界产生有意义影响的倾向, entrepreneurs, researchers, business leaders, doctors, lawyers, and community leaders.
Our value proposition
is simple
鼓励每个学生通过现实世界的经历来设计他们的大学经历, hands-on leadership opportunities, 以及高度定制的学术课程. 其结果是一个人谁是立即准备贡献和领导一个不断变化的世界与诚信, confidence and practical experience.
Superior Student Outcomes
Learn more about the opportunities W&J students pursue after graduation.
student loan default rate
of W&学生至少获得一项奖学金